How do I know if I am under spiritual or spirit attack?


As humans we are accepting and resilient. We have become accustomed to unhealthy experiences that are often spiritual attacks. We may consider ourselves crazy instead of realizing it is the experience that is over the top. Spiritual attack, spirit attack or psychic attack, can feel embarrassing to share. This can keep us suffering in silence, since our medical community and the world we live in can fail at solving our issue or feel uncaring. 

The below questions may identify events occurring in your life as a result of this type of attack. If you've answered “yes” to questions below, we suggest that you explore the rest of this website in its entirety.

  • Do you wake without knowing normal context to your life or feel like you've been somewhere?

  • Do things move around your household with no possibility of a person having moved them?

  • Can you see spirits or beings moving around you?

  • Do you awaken gasping for breath from being choked?

  • Do you awaken from being raped, sodomized or physically harmed in your sleep by unseen forces?

  • Do lights or TV go on and off by themselves around you?

  • Does your heart intermittently palpitate with anxiety without stressors?

  • Have you had thoughts to harm yourself, end your life or wish yourself gone from the earth?

  • Do you think thoughts that are a drastic departure from your personality or who you have fundamentally been?

  • Do you lack control over your physical, mental and emotional body or cry uncontrollably?

  • Are you getting more sleep, but are unable to wake, feeling drugged without the use of substances?

  • Do you close your eyes at night and see dark shapes floating around you with lids closed?

  • Are you distracted with difficulty focusing, remembering or concentrating, in a way that is new?

  • Do you have vivid or terrifying nightmares, often where you can’t yell or break free?

  • Do you find that your will power is no longer accessible?

  • Has your personality changed? Example: Enjoying people has turned to disdain.

  • Do you find yourself wired for hours at bedtime?

  • Are you awakened repeatedly during the night for no apparent reason?

  • Have you become afraid of heights or have adopted a debilitating fear?

  • Do you twitch, vibrate, have energy surges or have hot to cold flashes?

  • Has the appearance of your face changed rapidly and drastically in a way that feels morphed, hollow, sunken, colorless or unpleasing?

  • Are you privy to negative voices or presences that are not your own?

  • Do parts of your body, especially head, nose, eyes feel too open, tight or compressed?

  • Does your anger seem out of proportion or out of control?

  • Do you have new or odd sexual compulsions or fetishes?

  • Do you wake completely dry and lacking moisture with your mouth open and tongue out?

  • Do you have sleep paralysis, tingling, burning or stinging neuropathy or numbness in your head, hands, arms, legs feet or tailbone?

  • Are you afraid or unmotivated to leave your home for long periods of time?

  • Does sudden exhaustion or distraction come from attempting to read The New Testament?

    If you’ve answered YES to a few of the above questions, we understand what you’re going through. You can get more answers right here by checking out these pages Dangers, Why Jesus, Saved and Scriptures. Please check out our About page, which further details symptoms. We encourage you to read our website in totality. For immediate support join us in Membership, find us on Facebook and Contact Us.

“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.”

— 2 Thessalonians 3:3